Full Service
Lead Generation Agency
We Bring Customers To Your Doorstep. As Simple As That.
Think about what an extra 30 – 50 customer calls a month would mean for your business.
If you like the idea of these, reach out to us.

Lead Generation: We Bring You Customers
Service-based businesses rely heavily on calls and estimate request forms coming in. We bring the calls and forms to your business by applying hyper-local, result-oriented lead generation strategies. We partner exclusively with you in your service area and send all the leads we generate in your area to your business alone. We do not partner with more than one service provider for a service in any given location.
What makes us unique is that we promise you the result of bringing you exclusive leads, not a mechanism that may or may not bring you results.
Think about what an extra 30 - 50 customer calls a month would mean for your business. If you like the idea of that, reach out to us.

About Us
SmartGenCo is a full-service lead generation agency focused on two key pillars: Solving business problems by finding an already existing solution or creating a custom-made one, and helping local businesses get more customers and clients through hyper-local, result-oriented lead generation strategies.
It operates under AHC Services Ltd., a corporation registered in Canada, and is run by its co-owners Amr and Asli, who are based in Toronto, ON, Canada.
Asli Kahraman
Toronto, ON, Canada
Amr Hijazi
Toronto, ON, Canada
Client Testimonials
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